Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Re: Religious Fluxx

  • From"Maria P" <mudpuppy1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 28 Jun 2007 15:01:08 -0400
I bet a Pagan version would be popular.  :)  ...or just call it mystic of something.  :)

On 6/28/07, Steven R. Black II < srblack1167@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It was mentioned to me that the other thing these e-shop owners
> didn't stock was the religious Fluxx expansions. This was mostly due
> to the fact that they felt uncomfortable stocking something which
> represented only two religions. It's a valid point, I felt, since
> that's partly to do with why I'm not particularly motivated to
> obtaining them myself.
>From what I understand of the purpose of these two expansions was to
open up new markets in the Christian and Jewish bookstores.

Carol, is there an official statement online about this?


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"This is about hope and opportunity and progress," Kennedy told the group. "Those are the elements which are the essence of what this country's about. This country isn't just described by geography. This country is defined by its values."
from.... http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/06/15/congress.immigration.bill/