Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive


  • From"Nimrod Jones" <nimrod@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 16 Sep 2007 22:55:41 +0100
Title: Message

Hahahaha! Trolls make me laugh. This one is so Jack Chick. Of course, in all seriousness, there's no point trying to reason with people like this. Don't respond, don't get riled, but if there *is* a way for Looney Labs to take legal action (assuming the email is not faked and William Reed really did send this email - and yes, because I is a geek, I checked and there is a William Reed listed as part of the school's faculty) then I'm sure they'd look at taking it. (In truth, people like these are often best ignored unless they're starting a serious campaign against LL or they're actually damaging sales.)

Either way he's still a troll and really hasn't quite got the concept of games in his head. I mean, should we stop children playing with regular playing cards because, I mean, with the same deck with which you can play games like Snap and Fish you can play gambling games like Poker and Black Jack! Dear gods! Playing cards are corrupting our young! Off with the head of the Queen of Hearts!

On 16/09/2007 14:45:46, William M. Reed (wreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote: 

> William M. Reed
> St. Joseph Montessori School
> wreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> This was sent to you from non-rabbit user John McCarty
> Dear fellow educator:
> My name is John McCarty, a fifth grade teacher with seven years experience in Missouri. I have nearly completed an Education Specialist degree in administration, which has included legal courses.

> The reason for this note is to point out, if you were not aware, that Looney Labs uses its popular Fluxx game to advocate for marijuana. Stoner Fluxx, suspiciously not listed on Fluxx’s main page, uses the same basic rule set as any other Fluxx game you may use in the classroom. This means that by teaching children to use Fluxx, you are de facto teaching them to play Stoner Fluxx. You can see to possible legal problems here, as a parent who discovers their child