If anyone on this list is going to Origins and is not already on the Origins planning list... please read this message and consider joining us in the running of The Big Experiment! ------------ Forwarded Message ------------ To: origins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [Origins] Last Call - PLEASE READ! Origins is only 7 weeks away! and looking at the Big Experiment schedule: http://www.looneylabs.com/events/schedule/schedule.html?event=Origins2010&h ours=1 http://www.looneylabs.com/events/schedule/schedule.html?event=Origins2010 ...we still have 61 hours that need to be filled! Yikes! Before I panic, and scramble, and see if we can remove a few things from the schedule, I want to put one more call out to the list to see if anyone else is planning to be at Origins this year and wants to join the team of 50 some volunteers who help us run our events. Anyone who said you would wait a bit before signing up for more, in case others wanted the hours - NOW is the time you were waiting for! We don't want any one person to work harder than they want to work, so if you know anyone who might be interested in doing just 6 hours to earn a free Big Experiment Ribbon - please forward them this message! Top priority is the 23 tournament hours, then the 16 demo hours - we could drop some of the Barker, Booth, or TD hours if we need to... To sign up, send the following info to Robin (robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 1. Your full name 2. If you want an Origins Badge and/or B.E. Ribbon (including if you’ve already bought an Origins badge and need to be reimbursed) 3. The events you want (include event name, time, and AM or PM). Thanks Everyone! It's going to be an awesome show! -Kristin Looney 301-441-1019 P.S. If this email was forwarded to you and you are not already on our Origins Planning List - email robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx for more information! ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------