Thanks for the response.
I am a conservative Christian and don't agree with/ trust HSLDA...LOL
I guess my concern is, tough it islegal, indieviual school districts cracking down on 'truancy' and just thinking it's OK to make our lives and choices miserable.I was glad to hear the Govenator stick up for parental freedom.
I am just a bit nervous, going from such a homeschool freindly stat to one that is all in the news like that.
I agree thre needs to be a more specific set of terminology for disallowing one particular family to homeschool.
Thanks again for taking the time to respond
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 1:00 PM, Joseph Pate <
jpate@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I just got back from vacation, but my wife has been following this
since she homeschools our son and is involved in a lot of discussion
in an online group.
The latest I'd heard is that the Governator will do what's necessary
to keep homeschooling available, even if that means working with the
legislators to change the laws. Thing is, it's not illegal now --
i.e. any family can declare themselves a private school -- so a lot
of this is just political.
One easy way to look at this -- if a private school with 100 students
had some serious child abuse charges borne out (i.e. proved/provable
in court), they would likely be shut down. Same in this case; no need
to say "not only can you not be a private school, but no other family
can either", when you can just say "we're closing your private school
for reasons X, Y, and Z". Perhaps the law may need clarification to
formalize this process...
In any case, I should think banning homeschooling in CA would be an
exceptionally bad idea, not only for the families involved, but for
the already-overcrowded public schools that would need to suddenly
absorb a lot more kids.
Please note also, that I don't trust the HSLDA at all [as we are
atheist liberals], but we do share common goals at times. There
are plenty of secular homeschoolers out there too, and not just in
CA. Without going into any bragging about my son's academic level,
putting him into any other school next year would be a big step
backwards in his education, and we have no intention of doing this.
Additionally, I want to say that I have no problem with families
who homeschool their children in a manner more integrated with their
religious beliefs (as is the common preconception about homeschooling
in general).
Just wanted to weigh in as a homeschooling Californian.
Joe (Ankhst)
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