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Re: [Something] 1000 Blank White Cards

  • FromJoseph Pate <jpate@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 1 Aug 2008 14:29:59 -0700 (PDT)
Danger!  Danger!  KoL is the dangerously addictive (and freakin'
hilarious) online game Kingdom of Loathing


I haven't played for quite some time now, but it still calls to me...
(perhaps because the mug I use for water at work declares "An 
Adventurer is Me!") [couldn't find a link for it though]... if I 
ever am visited by the Too Much Time fairy (e.g. get injured or 
laid off or something and suddenly have to find something to do)
I will probably come back to KoL.  I still have a Clan there which
may or may not still exist since I've neglected it so.

Anyway, I both highly recommend it and urgently warn against it  ;-)


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> Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2008 16:09:04 -0400
> From: Christopher Hickman <tophu@xxxxxxx>
> To: something@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Something] 1000 Blank White Cards
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> On Friday, August 01, 2008, at 03:45PM, "Julia C. Tenney" <tenney@xxxxxxxxxx> 
> >I've never seen 1KBWC take-off quite the way it does as KoL meet-ups.
> What's KoL?
> >Quoting TheLoneGoldfish (thelonegoldfish@xxxxxxxxx):
> >> I played it once... it went over well, except index cards are too big
> >> and cutting them took forever.
> My local book binder did me a favor and cut a bunch of 3x5 cards for me down 
to 2.5x3 (for D&D power cards, but the concept is the same). Any book binder 
will have a massive industrial paper cutter.
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