this week in our news...
What's New?
- New Product: Are You A Werewolf? Third Edition
- GinohnNews: nerdy fitness freaks, and meta-metabolism
Testimonial of the Week
"If you want to teach students to be flexible, adaptable, information
literate people, I can think of few games more suited to that task than
Fluxx. Why? Well, Fluxx is a pretty simple game. There is only one rule,
you see, you draw one card and then you play one card. That's it. How do
you win? I don't know...nobody has played a card that allows someone to
win. We will have to wait and see what develops. Understanding and applying
rules to master a situation, really the heart of gaming, also happens to be
a critical skill in information literacy. What is Internet searching but
trying multiple paths and working through ever-shifting information tracks?
Game play for Fluxx varies greatly depending on the cards, but an average
game length is probably about 15 minutes. There is also a new science based
version of Eco-Fluxx." -- review of Fluxx at the official web log of the
American Association of School Librarians
Regular Features
- This Week on eBay: Stoner Fluxx First Edition, New & Unopened
- Haiku Movie Review: Kingdom of Heaven :)
- Tirade's Choice: Hopelessly Wrong Predictions
Come play with us ...
-Kristin (of the Looney variety)