Looney Labs Weekly Mailing list Archive

wwNEWS - Giving Up On Canada

  • FromKristin Looney <customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 30 Oct 2006 09:45:51 -0500
last week in our news...

What's New?

- The Tell-A-Store Program
- The Future Looney Labs World HQ
- GinohnNews - flugtag und mondschlag, and space fight center
- Rash posted a class photo of his students
- Just Desserts Rules Tweak 4.2
- Another Dessert Art Sample: Banana Split
- The Dessert Seconds page, featuring Spice Cake, Ambrosia Salad,
 Walnut Brownies, Fruitcake, and another Banana Split

Testimonial of the Week

"Now this is a game I can totally get behind! It's educational, it's fun, and it's environmentally friendly! How can you go wrong with that? It's a wonderful educational tool for young children who are beginning to learn about ecology and nature. The game, rated for ages "8-108" per the package, is certainly not limited to children. The ever-changing rules and limitless possibilities cater to both the chaosian and the strategist alike, keeping players of all ages entertained for hours. One game can last only a matter of minutes, or up to an hour. It all depends on the luck of the draw. With each game being different, it's difficult to get bored." -- review of EcoFluxx at Green Room Magazine

Regular Features

- This week on eBay: Stoner Fluxx First Edition, New In Box
- Haiku Movie Review: Tank Girl  :)
- Tirade's Choice: Carve Your Own Pumpkin

Come play with us ... http://www.wunderland.com/

-Kristin (of the Looney variety)

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