Looney Labs Aquarius Mailing list Archive

Re: [Aquarius] Aquarius gone wild?

  • FromJesse Welton <jwelton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 6 Sep 2005 12:12:28 -0400
Aquarius with wild panels on all or a large fraction of the cards
sounds like an interesting experiment.  I expect that it will be
harder to see the patterns of connected panels, as well as potential
connections, likely resulting in more stealth wins.  That should get
easier with practice, though.  Many of the limits on where cards can
be played will be eliminated.  That will mae defensive play (blocking
off opponents' patterns) significantly easier.  At the same time,
offensive play will also be easier because every card may be
considered to have your color on it, often interpenetrating other
players' patterns.  It's hard to anticipate which effect will be
stronger, but it seems likely there will be a lot more kingmaker
situations as a result.


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