Looney Labs Aquarius Mailing list Archive

[Aquarius] less wild... and yet... even wilder.

  • FromAlison <alison@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 07 Sep 2005 15:00:40 -0400
Here's an interesting thought: limited wild cards. I.e. not-totally-wild, just er... feral. Say, a full panel wild that was just Air and Fire (picture groovy new art here) And of course, there are five of these new full panel cards you could make (including what could be called "mud" for extra fun). Okay, feral isn't as good as hybrid, lets call it feral-hybrid.

Now, imagine double panel cards with two feral-hybrid panels on them. Fire-Water on one half, say, and Earth-Air on the other half (five of these possibilities, for each halfsies combination (vertical vs horizontal) for a total of ten possible cards. Or, since we're making up a totally new kind of card here anyway, do like I've always wanted to try and make them diagonal split. Oops, there's still ten then, since you have to make the diagonals go both ways, for balance.

I like it. It's intriguing. I'm tempted to doodle up some art and make some stickers and sacrifice a deck.

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