Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

Re: [Edu] lesson plans

  • From"Magi D. Shepley" <magid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 28 Apr 2006 18:33:40 -0400
I teach it to my students, but I don't think I've ever developed a formal lesson plan for it. I suppose I could write one, but it'd definitely be targetted at students with special needs ... or not, becuase I did teach it the first time to a group of kids with just emotional disorders.


Carol Townsend wrote:

Hi all,
I know we've got a great lesson plan written by David Millians for Chrononauts - and I've heard of a lesson plan for Fluxx that's floating around out there... does anyone have that (either a print of it or a URL)? I've been searching the looneylabs.com <http://looneylabs.com> site for it and if it's here, it's well hidden. A point in the right direction would be appreciated! thanks!
(she who used to be known on these lists by the email "ragnardove")


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