Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

Re: [Edu] lesson plans

  • FromFred Poutre <cloven-fruit@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 14 May 2006 05:20:05 -0600
>>>Fred, If you're teaching a group that needs to work on Life Skills,
Set is going >>>to be very frustrating for them.
>Ahh.  I have worked with a lot of kids like this (I worked in the inner
city, and >even once I left, I still work in low-income areas).  The same
applies, but not for <snip>

Well, I went with Set anyway. But I will arrange it so it is the last
game they get to do.
As we are also playing "Are You a Werewolf?", which will take up a larger
group of kids. So for the "First round" of games I will help with
whatever, and then make sure the kids get to the other games first,
before the rotate to Set, which I will be running.
My Game Break explanation to the Director of the program:

"Three to five tables, with five chairs each. Four helpers.
The games will include Fluxx, Set, Uno, Jenga or Join 3 Balancing game,
and Are you a Werewolf. Are You a Werewolf plays better with larger
groups of players (a group of six to ten would work well). So if a group
of 20 students comes in at one time set, then about a third can play Are
You a Werewolf, with the others
are spilt amongst the other games. The greater the number of players, the
greater the amount of time it takes to play the game. We can lessen the
choices are put multiple games on the same table allowing for options of
Fifteen minutes at each game should allow enough time to play,
understand, and enjoy the game. At the end of each fifteen minute
segment, the students can be rotated to the next game. With the
assumption of five games at fifteen minutes each one hour and fifteen
minutes should work for the time needed."

Thanks everyone for their suggestions.

By the way, the final list I came up with was:

Cards- Fluxx, Set, Uno, Mille Bourne, Five Crowns, Water Works, Pit,
Phase Ten, Timeline, Agora

Board Games- Robo-Rally, Monopoly, Clue, Settlers of Catan, Risk Junior

Other Games- Dominoes, Icehouse, Jenga, Join 3 Balancing Game (odd
connected three game that is a disk balanced on a spindle I got a few
years back), Connect Four, Dwarven Dig

Dice- Yahtzee (alternates of such with non six sided dice)

Odd Things- Nanofiction, Are You a Werewolf?


By the way I have a copy of the Games Quarterly education issue coming to
me in the mail. So if anyone wants to see it, let me know (we will work
something out).

Fred Poutre
Cloven Fruit Games

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