Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

[Edu] thanks Carol!!!

  • From"Cheryl Tackett" <ohiosongbird@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 09 Jul 2006 15:45:46 -0400

I just want to say thanks to Carol for all her hard work at Origins and for taking on the educational aspect of Loonylabs. Carol, you have some wonderful ideas. I am sorry that I couldn't stay longer on Saturday to talk to you...Katie was really wanting to go home. It is amazing when the teen of the family wants to go home before 11 pm!!! ( you may recall we were discussing the standards)

I think it would really be very helpful if you could get the standards from the individual states included for the info for the games in the classroom. Perhaps there may be some teachers out there who would be willing to give you some help in establishing just what standards and benchmarks are covered.

I look forward to what next Origins has to bring! Thanks again!!!
Cheryl Tackett

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