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Re: [Edu] Card Games

  • From"Carol Townsend" <carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 12 Aug 2006 10:45:05 -0500
Have you looked at Just Desserts yet?

It's got food and what the food is made up of.  On cards.  Along with who likes what stuff.

For example, if you have "peanut butter cups" then you've got something made of chocolate and peanuts.  There's people that like stuff w/ chocolate, others that like stuff w/ peanuts and some who like both - so any of those people would eat the peanut butter cups.  Then there are those who don't like peanuts and (though it's impossible to think of) some who don't like chocolate.  The won't eat the peanut butter cups.  The people cards show what they will eat and, if they won't eat something, it's also on the cards.

There's other stuff w/ the game play (and the current rules are here:http://www.wunderland.com/LooneyLabs/JustDesserts/Rules.html  ) but that's how the cards are set up.  Maybe something in how those cards are set up that can help you develop your dichotomous key game?  I kept trying to think of how to use it in a chemistry class because the mini-poster of all the desserts is *almost* like a periodic table (look at the bottom of the rules page, or here: http://www.looneylabs.com/OurStores/product.html?ProductID=242)

anyway, good luck!

On 8/11/06, Magi D. Shepley <magid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I read the description of the Aquarius game with interest, because last
week (and this Monday), I am taking a class that will allegedly make me
highly qualified to teach high school biology.   :cough:  :cough:  Anyway...
I have to come up with a set of stuff to teach a specific topic.  I've
built upon classification, since we do that all the time anyway.

I have adapted a dichotomous key to use familiar foods, and put them on
cards to go on binder rings.  I was wondering if anybody has any idea
how I can apply this concept to a CARD GAME.

I keep thinking I should be able to use the cards from the dichotomous
key as a card game, but I'm missing some essential information.

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