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Re: [Edu] Making Games

  • From"William M. Reed" <wreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 13 Aug 2006 10:56:00 -0400
Hm.  I'm really not sure how to reply.  I can't think of any way to describe it more clearly except maybe to say take 10 index cards and draw a line that divides each in half lengthwise.  Take 10 more and draw a line that divides them in half from side-to-side.  Take a third group of ten and divide them into fourths so that each section is a small rectangle.

Do you have a deck of Aquarius cards?  If so, you'll be dividing the index cards in exactly the same way and number as there are in the Aquarius deck.

To write the names, if that's the part you're unclear on, I'm again not sure what else to say.  There are ten cards that have one animal name written on them.  Two will be fish, two amphibians, two reptiles, two birds, and two mammals.  The illustration shows this as two cads with the letter F, two with the letter A, two with the letter R, two with the letter B, and two with the letter M.

The remaining 30 are all unique.  As shown in the illustration.  There are no repeated combinations.  I'm too lazy to describe all 30, so maybe someone else will step and write out detailed step-by-step instructions, if you still don't understand what I mean.  :-)

Lazy Bill
William M. Reed
St. Joseph Montessori School
933 Hamlet St.
Columbus, OH  43201

On Aug 13, 2006, at 10:17 AM, Magi D. Shepley wrote:

Its there, but as I said, the description you have of making the cards didn't make sense to me.  I'm not visual, so seeing your diagrams (while absolutely wonderful, by the way, and not typically something I would think of including... because I'm not visual!) didn't make sense to me.  But, that's me.
I have that problem with a lot of games: I either need to hear somebody explain it, see it done, or read step by step directions. 

William M. Reed wrote:

On the chart that has the cards labeled with Fs, As, Rs, Bs, and Ms it should show EXACTLY how many cards.  It also describes in the first part of the materials that there are 40  vertebrate (which were the element) cards.  I believe that it also states that they are divided into 4 sets of ten.  Did I leave that out?   Grr.

William M. Reed
St. Joseph Montessori School
933 Hamlet St.
Columbus, OH  43201
wreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:wreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

On Aug 12, 2006, at 8:03 PM, Magi D. Shepley wrote:

The directions make sense, but knowing how many of each card needed might be more helpful (at least for me, since I'm hopelessly unvisual!). ;)
And this would work nicely with the dichotomous key lesson that I developed for my students for my project.


William M. Reed wrote:

In order to clearly explain my directions for converting Aquarius into an educational categorizing/sorting game, I needed several illustrations.  I put the whole thing into a .pdf document and posted it to my website, which you can peruse at:

 www.wmreedfamily.net <http://www.wmreedfamily.net>

William M. Reed
St. Joseph Montessori School
933 Hamlet St.
Columbus, OH  43201
wreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:wreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


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