I got this great email from a counselor at Pierce Elementary in Cedar
Rapids, Iowa. Having been born in Cedar Rapids (and lived there the first
6 years of my life), this caught my eye immediately!
Anyway, I wanted to pass on this link to an article about their Board Games
Club for 4th and 5th graders - it's a great project that seems to be taking
off well. It would be great to see this sort of thing copied in schools
all over the country!
This is also a great list of games - except for one thing... they don't
quite have Looney Labs games there. Which is why she contacted me... to
see what games we would suggest for her club.
I think that kids who are playing Ticket To Ride, Carcassone, and Settlers
can handle just about any of our games. Thoughts? Opinions? What would be
your list of Looney games that you'd suggest for this sort of group?
Carol Townsend
Teacher Wrangler
and The Looney Labs Team
(301) 441-1019
(301) 441-4871 <-- FAX