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Re: [Edu] introduction

  • From"Magi D. Shepley" <magid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 28 Dec 2006 17:02:59 -0500
Well... given the life skills focus of our class...

Schoolwork, balancing your checkbook, go to work, paycheck, grocery shopping, using the internet, get a job, make a sandwich


Christopher Hickman wrote:
On Thursday, December 28, 2006, at 02:19PM, "Magi D. Shepley" <magid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
We've been working on creating our own Fluxx game, but haven't had time to get it formatted... It started off being called Life Skills Fluxx, but one of the kids changed its name to Survival Fluxx.

What kind of goals does one strive to reach in Survival Fluxx?
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