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Re: [Edu] Gnostica question

  • From"Carol Townsend" <edu-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 26 Feb 2007 14:16:34 -0600
I used a really cheap set of Collectible Trading Card Game cards -(Looney Tunes CCG)  - and just stuck the stickers on there. It made a fun deck - actually 2, because I did both a Gnostica and a Zarcana deck.  However, this doesn't take out the tarot card aspects that are already on both the Gnostica and the Zarcana stickers.

This is, I think, something to put out onto the Icehouse list.  See if anyone else has done something like this - needed/wanted to take the tarot out of the game but still play the game.  I wonder how this would change the feel of the game - is having the royalty - marked as the tarot royalty cards are - integral to the game?  Or was it just a great jumping off point that then formed into a great game?

Explain why you're asking this - people will understand (and probably commisserate on the state of the union) as to why it's truly impossible for a teacher to bring a tarot deck into a school.  Ask if there are other work-arounds.  It would start a very useful discussion on the lists, I think.

But please do ask on the Icehouse lists - see what others (in a wider audience, who have more Gnostica players than we have here on this list, probably) have done.

Thanks for being such a great teacher, Ryan!  I look forward to your solution to this problem!


On 2/26/07, miyu <xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm curious if there exists a deck of cards that would not look like nor be anything like tarot to use to try Gnostica out.  I would be interested in letting the kids test out the game but there is not a chance in the world I'm going to be the teacher who has a tarot deck in the classroom *laugh*.  I was just curious before I looked into creating a deck just for use with the game in school.

Actually I may still make a deck, perhaps commission some kids to do the art for individual cards.  It could be neat to laminate their art and they know the club plays with it after they have graduated and moved on.... something for me to think about...


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