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Re: [Fluxx] Fluxx Hand Limit question on YouTube

  • FromLynda <giddens@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 19 Jan 2007 10:59:31 -0500
"I also remember the 3.0 days when Rich and Poor Bonus meant to us that if you had more/fewer keepers than any other player (at all) you got the bonus. Glad they cleared that up in 3.1."

Could you please clarify this?  I'm pretty sure I have the 3.0 version and I thought the rich/poor bonus was determined by how many/few keepers you had within the group playing.  (IE - If you have 3 keepers and everyone else has 2 or less, you qualify for Rich Bonus; if you have 0 keepers and everyone else has 1 or more, you qualify for the poor bonus.)   Is this thinking not correct?  If not, what specifically was cleared up in 3.1?  I looked on the website, but couldn't find where this sort of change information might be located.


On 1/18/07, James Hazelton <jameshazelton@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have the opposite problem. Instead of applying it too much, my group routinely forgets about First Play Random/Final Card Random entirely, and many turns pass before someone says, "Say, wasn't that card supposed to be random?" I also remember the 3.0 days when Rich and Poor Bonus meant to us that if you had more/fewer keepers than any other player (at all) you got the bonus. Glad they cleared that up in 3.1.

On 1/18/07, TheLoneGoldfish <thelonegoldfish@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Speaking of rules nobody ever reads... First play random's cevat that it has no effect in a play 1 situation was not known for the longest time to the people I played with.

Although you could just smash the play all with the trash a new rule 2nd from last.


On 1/18/07, S Mattison < s.mattison@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Amazing move, and completely sneaky! My jaw dropped when I saw that. I can't believe you can observe those rules *during* your turn! Goes to show you just gotta read them cards!

Looking forward to more. =)

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