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Re: [Geeks] RSS News Feeds Live for looneylabs.com and wunderland.com

  • FromRobin <Empl13@xxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 5 Sep 2005 17:17:56 -0400
Brain - You asked:

> I'm wondering, though; is one of these feeds a subset of the other?

I'll confess that I haven't worked that out yet. I was thinking originally that they would be different, and I was hoping to get feedback from folks as to what they'd like to see in the feeds - what sections you want to monitor. Of course one article in the feed will be a summary of the "What's Going On?" section. I could list the "What's New?" section as one article. This section often points to game info (e.g., Fluxx, Family Fluxx, EcoFluxx, etc.) that I would also use in the looneylabs.com feed, but there are plenty of other items in that section as well such as the "Ember Update" and "GinohnNews". What do you think about one article that's the whole "What's New?" section (since it's a short section) rather than list each item as it's own article? I also thought about pointing to "Tirade's Choice", the "Haiku Movie Reviews", and the "Testimonial of the Week". Not sure about the "Thought Residue" section though - I can't summarize it so do I just copy it into it's own article or not? What sections/updates would you like to see in the weekly feed for wunderland.com?

Robin Vinopal
EMPL13@xxxxxxx (Looney Labs Employee #13)
LOONEY LABS (http://www.looneylabs.com/)

On Sep 5, 2005, at 4:41 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:

Cool, thanks! Now there's one more site that I don't have to check manually for updates. Now, if only all of the webcomics I read would support RSS, I could avoid having to check any sites on a regular basis.

I'm wodnering, though; is one of these feeds a subset of the other? I don't want to miss anything, but I also don't want to have lots of duplicates in my RSS reader. It looks like the Wunderland feed is a superset of the Looney Labs feed, but I want to check to make sure.

On Sep 5, 2005, at 3:43 PM, Robin wrote:

I set up a RSS News Feed for the wunderland.com and looneylabs.com web sites. If you go to http://www.looneylabs.com/ you'll see a small graphic on the bottom right that says "RSS" which is a link to the xml feed.

I haven't yet put up the same graphic on wunderland.com but the feed is there and ready (http://wunderland.com/feed.xml). Much of the content is the same between the two sites, but there are some differences.

I plan to update and publish new articles to the feeds approx. once a week (probably on the weekends).

To read an RSS News Feed you'll need a news reader. For Mac users, if you've upgraded to 10.4 (Tiger) you can use Safari to view a feed. Once you launch your news reader, you can subscribe to these:

More Info:
RSS Readers

Wikipedia - RSS

RSS: Your Gateway To News & Blog Content

If anyone has any questions or feedback please let me know.


Robin Vinopal
EMPL13@xxxxxxx (Looney Labs Employee #13)
LOONEY LABS (http://www.looneylabs.com/)

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