Looney Labs Geeks Mailing list Archive

[Geeks] geek testimonials

  • FromKristin Looney <kristin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 02 Feb 2007 11:11:10 -0500
Hello to the Looney Labs Geek list!

This list has not had any traffic in a long time...

I have one question, relating to instant message clients
for the Mac, if you are a Mac Geek who can advise me on
such things... please ping me off list and I'll explain
what I'm looking for. (I'm looneykristin on AIM)

And I also have a much more global geek request...

I just started pitching our games to thinkgeek.com, and I
have been telling the buyer that geeks love our games.  We
were guests of honor a a Linux conference once, and Fluxx
and pyramid games are common at such geeky conventions!

so I thought I would put a call out to this list for a
few geek specific testimonials to send them - to help
convince them that our games would be a good fit for
their web site.  Anyone want to take a crack at telling
me what it is that makes our games good geek gifts?

Thanks for helping us get more geeks access to our games!

-Kristin (who finally moved the 4 foot plotter print of
the first high speed gate-array chip she designed up above
her desk at the new office - just in time for Andy's
filming at said office that will go up on YouTube soon.)

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