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Re: [Geeks] geek testimonials

  • From"Melissa Parish" <beautifulfool@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 2 Feb 2007 11:27:21 -0600
Yes!  That's another point I forgot to bring up.  We actually use our Treehouse stashes as "money" for a game called Three Dragon Ante (which is like poker, except with dragons).  A small is one point, medium is two, a large is three.  Except for the opaque tree (ours is black), which is a small is 5 points, medium is 10, and a large is 15.  It takes a bit to get used to that way of counting, but we love the "futuristic" feel it gives to the game.

~ Melissa

P.S.  Sorry if that's a bit of a tangent, but I wanted to reiterate the "useful for customization" idea.

On 2/2/07, Laurie J. Rich <knitmeapony@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
If there's one thing geeks love, it's customization.  The mod culture,
the DIY culture, they both run very strong in the geek community.

TreeHouse and IceHouse pieces fit right into that niche.  One
TreeHouse set, and you've already got a variety of games with the
ability to create more.  More TreeHouse sets, and you've got the
ability to tap into the vast DIY culture that is IceHouse.  From
custom-made pieces to unique fan-created games, every aspect of the
system taps into the dig-in-and-do vibe that most geeks have in
spades.  Nearly all the Looney Labs games tap into that same aesthetic
-- Fluxx, Chrononauts, NanoFictionary, they don't only allow for
customization, they practically -ask- for it.  The open-source geeks
will love the idea of being able to write and wiki any kind of games
they like!

There's also the collector's aesthetic that most geeks love --
TreeHouse/IceHouse in particular lends itself to the Dragon Dice /
Magic: the Gathering player's habits, but a complete set can be had
without breaking the bank!

And the bonus is that customized or out of the box, the games are just
as engaging for the family and friends of geeks.  Fluxx in particular
makes a great party game for everything from kids birthdays to family
Thanksgiving, late-night college fests and low-key nights at home.
The rules are usually 'a moment to learn, a lifetime to master' and
because they're very down to earth and tech-simple themselves, they
lack any stigma that some other 'geek' games have on them.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired,
signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not
fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
April 16, 1953
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