Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Mixed Fluxx?

  • From"Ryan Hackel" <deeplogic@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 14 Apr 2006 21:51:54 -0400 (EDT)

A few LooneyLabs hybrids are out there:
* Pantopia, a Icehouse/Aquarius mix by Kory Heath (http://icehousegames.org/wiki/?title=Pantopia)
* Quintazone, another Ice/Aquarius mix by Doug Orleans (http://icehousegames.org/wiki/?title=Quintazone)
* Efni, a Fluxx/Icehouse mix by Glenn Overby (http://home.earthlink.net/%7eguardcaptain/Efni.html)


 --- On Fri 04/14, Carlton Noles < carlton.noles@xxxxxxxxx > wrote:
From: Carlton Noles [mailto: carlton.noles@xxxxxxxxx]
To: icehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 18:33:47 -0400
Subject: Re: [Icehouse] Mixed Fluxx?

The Aquarius Icehouse Mix was Penta-ummm- Hang on a sec-- Quintazone and you can find the rules here:


it plays similar to Carcassone (pardon the spelling) and is quite nifty if you enjoy those sorts of things

Carlton "Kermit" Noles

"Games Lubricate the body and the mind" - Benjamin Franklin
Want your own GMail Account? 
Ask Me for an invite.On 4/14/06, ragnardove@xxxxxxx
ragnardove@xxxxxxx> wrote:I'll tackle a few of these questions... please speak up to add things
if you want!-----Original Message-----From: Jeff Zeitlin <icehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: icehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 16:29:45 -0400Subject: [Icehouse] Mixed Fluxx?   I visited my FLGS yesterday and picked up Chrononauts, Fluxx, andAquarius.  Questions abound:(1) I saw that they also had both Family Fluxx and EcoFluxx. Are these
both "expansion packs" for Fluxx, or are they standalone separateeditions?  If the latter, other than via Fluxx Blanxx, is there any wayto 'expand' a Fluxx set?Both Family Fluxx and EcoFluxx are stand alone products.  They play
great just by themselves but if you want to have a huge Fluxx deck andmix everything into there, they will all work together.(2) Going through the Chrononauts set, it seems pretty clear that Early
American Chrononauts is an expansion set for basic Chrononauts. Are
there/will there be any additional Chrononauts expansions?EAC (Early American Chrono) is also a stand alone product that playsgreat just by itself - but if you put both Chrono and EAC together,then you can play Uberchrononauts.  Cool info about all of the
Chrono-thoughts can be found here:http://wunderland.com/LooneyLabs/Chrononauts/Default.html
Way at the bottom of the "Mysteries of the Timeline" link from that
above page will take you to Andy's published thoughts on futureexpansions.  Basically, he's said it's on the way back burner for awhile - i.e., nothing new in this line coming out any time soon.Unrelated to my FLGS visit:
(3) & (4) are out of my balliwick to answer, so I'll let those who know(Kristin? Josh?) answer these.(5) Has anyone written any games that COMBINE various LL games, sayIcehouse-Fluxx, requiring both a Fluxx set and pyramids?
There was an Aquarius/Icehouse mix out there, right?  I don't thinkthere's been a Fluxx/Icehouse mix.  If you've got something that mixesthem, I for one would love to see it!Right now I'm tring to figure out an Aquarius/Treehouse mix, but I
definitely have nothing to share at this point.  Sigh.  :)  These gamesreally do lend themselves to whole brain creative thinking, and itsounds like you're right there in the middle of it!  Cool!Carol

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