Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] thriftscore: cheap icehouse board

  • FromPat <xenophule@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 14 Apr 2006 19:55:35 -0700
Awesome! Thanks for the tip!


On 4/14/06, Mark Crane <craniac@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I just bought a copy of the old game "Duell" today for a dollar at the
local thrift store, "Deseret Industries."  The board is black plastic,
9 x 9, and each square is slightly larger than a pyramed and recessed
slightly.  Oh, and it comes with large funky 1" dice.  So if you see a
copy of "Duell" floating around, it might be worth picking up.

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