Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] update on Treehouse

  • FromKristin <kristin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 16 Apr 2006 21:09:06 -0400
We launched Treehouse in Vegas a few weeks back

  under a giant 32 foot tie-dyed tree!


It was awesome!  We gave away almost 200 copies of the game to
retailers from all across the country.  And they loved it!
Oh my goodness they loved it.

I was confident the things I was doing to the Icehouse System:
represented a sound plan and, and I knew the game was
good - but I had no idea how good.  Everyone LOVED the game.
The specific game Treehouse has hit potential that I had not
really understood until we took it to this show. Wow.

The #1 thing you, as a pyramid fan, can do to help Icehouse
finally find some shelf space in stores everywhere - is to go
to your local area game store and buy a copy of Treehouse.

Crack it open - and play it with the person who sold it to you.

"I'm a big fan of the pyramid games - can I teach you to play?"

You can review the rules in advance...

The rules as printed on the tube:

and a longer version:

Hang out with the clerk and play a few rounds. Teach it to
anyone else who shows interest.  Tell everyone about all the
other amazingly cool things you can do with the pyramids.

Then take the game home with you and play it with everyone
you know. This is a pyramid game you can play with all those
people in your life who would never play with pyramids.

Keep it with you so you can break it out while waiting
for a bus, or a movie, or at the table at dinner. The
way the rules are right there on the tube, it's quick
and easy to teach it to just about anyone. It's amazing
how much non gamers love this game. This game has the
potential to put the pyramids next to Fluxx on game store
shelves everywhere.  Please help us make that happen!

Type in your zip code to find a store near you:

Call first to make sure they have it in stock - all our distributors
have it, so any store should easily be able to order it for you...

If you are a registered Rabbit - be sure you submit an event
report and tell us about your store visit to buy/play Treehouse!

Thanks for playing with pyramids and for helping us promote them!

-Kristin (of the Looney variety)

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