Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Treehouse reference card

  • From"Carol Townsend" <carol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 2 May 2006 21:35:20 -0500
Hey Chuck,

This looks really good!  The only thing I'd change, if I were doing
it, is somehow adding in the "hopping in place isn't allowed" rule. Other than that, you've got a great little... well, big... thing here.
(when I printed it out, it came out full page size, instead of card
size, but that's a small thing do deal with)  One bit of aesthetics
(sp?) - I'm not sure about the "Inside the Trees Font" you've used for
Treehouse - I think if I were doing it, I'd use the logo as it is on
the tube.  (shrug - YMMV)

And just FYI, I know that most of the time, it's best to only post a
link to where you've got a copy stored, instead of putting an
attachment onto the email that's to be sent to a mailing list.  Some
people's email clients don't deal well w/ attachments (and some just
plain ol' refuse delivery of emails with attachments to a mailing
list) so next time, if you could, please just put a link in and we can
all go to that URL in whatever browser we've chosen.  Thanks!

And I'm just curious - is the reason you don't have a Treehouse set
because your Friendly Local Game Store isn't stocking it yet?  Go
ahead and ask them to special order it for you - our retailers have
multiple ways of getting you a copy, and a lot of them don't know
about Treehouse yet.  I own a bunch of pyramids already and got a
couple of Treehouse sets anyway - having everything in a tube (die,
rules, 'mids) is just the best!  I truly do think it's worth it.

If all y'all (English just doesn't do "you plural" well...anyway....)
would go to one or two game stores nearest you and ask for Treehouse,
and then PLAY it with the retailers, that would just ROCK!  I'm
talking to retailers every day, a lot of whom haven't heard of
Treehouse yet.  The more people can help generate curiousity about
Treehouse, the more this game will fly off the shelves.

You rock Chuck!  Thanks for being such a great Treehouse-loving Rabbit!
(she who calls stores every day talking with more and more retailers
about Treehouse....)

On 5/2/06, Chuck Durfee <tangentier@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I found myself with my Purple Bag wanting to show some friends Treehouse,
but didn't have the rules handy.  I don't own a Treehouse stash yet and thus
I was thwarted.  So, I decided to solve my problem by making a ICE7-sized
Treehouse reference card, and thought I would post it here to share.  Let me
know what you think.

In case the attachment doesn't come through, I'm serving a copy at
http://browncoat.home.comcast.net/looney/treehouse_reference_card.tif.  Let
me know if another graphics format would be more convenient.

-- Chuck

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