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[Icehouse] Re: BH using Xeno colors

  • FromPat <xenophule@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 25 Jul 2006 12:03:44 -0700
I actually like the first suggestion. To me it actually makes the game
rules a lot easier to remember than the original rainbow one.

Just my two cents.


On 7/25/06, kerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx <kerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Well I would MUCH rather have one of my less-than-favorite color assignment
schemes used for the Xeno colors than have the issue left up in the air.  If
Josh AND the Klingon contingent like the same scheme, I could change my vote
as well.  :-)

IF both Cyan and Clear are used, then it becomes even more important to use
the initals of the powers instead of the colors when recording games.  Use
LA for a Large Attack ship instead of LR, Large Red, or LO, Large Orange.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Josh Drobina <josh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> As perhaps one of the few people to actually like the Xeno colors better
> for Homeworlds, I prefer thee assignment:
> Red	Orange - Fire and the Sun are both orange and both hurt if you touch
> them :)
> Blue	Purple - Purple's wacky and grants the mercurial power of Trade.
> Green	Cyan   - Cyan reminds me of water, and water is necessary for life
> thrive and grow
> Yellow	Clear  - I think of this as a speedy General Products hull, since
> they're totally clear
> This also works best in my mind since it follows the color wheel pretty
> closely--Red is close to Orange, Blue to Purple, Green to Cyan, and Yellow
> is the lightest color, hence substituting with Clear makes sense. White
> could work just as well, but I tend not to play with Opaque pieces in
> Homeworlds for some reason.
> -- Josh
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