Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Martian Backgammon question.

  • FromJorge Arroyo Gonzalez <trozo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 23 Oct 2006 02:24:00 +0200
Hello all,

Tonight we tried this game for the first time and there was one thing that wasn't very clear to us. When a piece is stepped on and moved to the re-entry point, must the other player move it before moving any other piece? (like in regular backgammon). Also, if multiple pieces are eaten, is the order important? (will the way they are stacked in the reentry point matter when the player is about to move?)

We actually played that eaten pieces were left outside the board, then the player moved the pieces into the board in any order after rolling (with 1 being the reentry point). This movement had to follow the placement rules...

Also, the reentry point of one player is part of the stockpile of the other player. I'm guessing this doesn't really matter and doesn't affect gameplay at all. Am I right?



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