By "ORIGINAL PEICE" they do not meanthe FIRST peice I rotated, but the first piece that was rotated in reaction the piece I choose... is that it?
No... Let's go through the original rules and I'll add commentary:
Pick one piece,
This piece is the "original" piece.
and rotate it one 90° turn either clockwise or counterclockwise.
Rotate the "original piece"
Whatever piece it then points to is rotated 90° in the same direction.
Rotate the first "chain reaction" piece. Every time (except as noted below) you choose a piece, at least one chain-reaction piece will rotate.
Then, if the original piece
ie, the piece that you chose
is... Small: Stop there
because you've already rotated one, and a small "original" piece causes a chain reaction size of one.
Medium: If the piece you just rotated (the "active piece") is pointing at another piece, then that piece is rotated 90° in the original direction. Stop there.
the "active" piece here is the one most recently rotated, ie, the first one in the chain-reaction. You've already rotated the original, picked, piece, the first chain-reaction piece (from the instructions earlier) and this rule causes you to rotate a second chain-reaction piece.
Large: Same as medium, but once more.
You've already rotated the original, picked, piece, the first and second chain-reaction pieces (from the instructions earlier) and this rule causes you to rotate a third chain-reaction piece.
If at any point a piece is pointing at nothing (either the blank space on the grid or the edge of the board), the process stops.
And here's the exception : any chain reaction can be terminated in one of two ways. Either it came to its full conclusion (small + 1 CR piece, medium +2 CR pieces, Large +3CR pieces), or it was terminated early because one of the rotations caused the pyramid you just rotated not to be pointing at another pyramid.
After you stop, you may make another move. Continue until all pieces are pointing in the same direction after all rotations are done. You win!
Does that help? Timothy