Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] (revisit to---) Rotationary Rules - is this it?

  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 9 Jan 2007 15:53:33 -0500
So "SMALL-STOP HERE" means to stop with the first chain reaction, not to stop with the initial rotated piece....

On 1/9/07, Timothy Hunt <games@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Rotate the first "chain reaction" piece.  Every time (except as noted
below) you choose a piece, at least one chain-reaction piece will

> Then, if the original piece

ie, the piece that you chose

> is...
> Small: Stop there

because you've already rotated one, and a small "original" piece
causes a chain reaction size of one.

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