1) In Icehouse, what is a Cool and effective way to use a prisoner you get from a prisoner exchange? I've only played Icehouse a few times, and in one of the games negotiated a prisoner exchange. Without really thinking, I restructured the an attack on me such that the prisoner I had gotten from my ally was squandered, which was pointed out to me to be Uncool. So, what's an appropriately Cool way to use a prisoner from an exchange?
That can be tricky. Most of the time, prisoners end up getting squandered. Any old Icehouse vets want to help out with this one?
2) Could you demonstrate a cool pieceniking project that would be easy to do at home? I haven't had much luck with filling pyramids with sand (the glue at the bottom frequently doesn't seal, so the sand leaks out), and Eeyore's woodworking projects are beyond my available equipment or woodworking skills (why aren't there public wood shops where you can pay a small fee and use them, or pay some more to get some hands-on instruction?).
Sorry, I'm not much of a pieceniker, since I'm happiest with standard factory-made pieces we dreamed of getting made for so very long. But again, maybe others on this list could run with this idea.
3) Homeworlds strategy advice! Maybe a basic primer on Homeworlds strategy, or maybe a collection of clever moves...
Now I'm way ahead of you. I've just finished a 3 minute film about a way to lose at Homeworlds which I like to call the Bluebird Mistake. I plan to post it at the end of the day! And of course, I've got others planned...
(like, putting a green piece alone in a large system, and then sacrificing it later when the pieces are depleted so you can get the large system piece).
Yes yes, a crucial strategy. I call that making an Investment. (Another thing I really need to do someday is to find the time to finish up 3HOUSE, which will have lots of these strategies explained in detail. But right now I'm doing that on the Tube...)
-- Andy