Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Re: ZPIPs produced!

  • From"Robert Bryan" <rbryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 12 Mar 2007 12:18:24 -0600
Christopher Hickman wrote:

> what are my chances of actually winning a game against you if I don't
> know how to play?

 It was pointed out by separate email that I hadn't said what my
username on SDG was.  It's "TwoShort".  In the interest of putting this
challenge in perspective, I am the highest rated Homeworlds player on
SDG.  This doesn't mean I'm the absolute best; there are two people I've
played at SDG that I would give better than even odds of beating me the
next time they try.  On the other hand, those two people are the same
two that already have ZPIPs.  
 So if you haven't played much before, your chances of beating me are
probably not that great, but they're not zero either - I do screw up
with some frequency.  If you'd rather have a more relaxed game, I still
want to encourage you to give Homeworlds a try, so challenge me anyway
and let me know in the comments that you don't want to play for the
ZPIPs.  I'll still try to win, but I'll feel freer to give you hints and
answer questions about my thinking, etc.  If you want to play for the
ZPIPs, I'm going to try my best to crush you :) 
 I'll also note that I thought up this scheme last night, and have yet
to think through all the details (Is "next" in order of game start or
end?  Does the game I'm in the middle of count?) etc.  When I figure all
that out I'll repeat the challenge in a forum post over at SDG, but for
now I'll just warn people that the fine print is subject to change.

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