Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

RE: [Icehouse] Icehouse Rules video

  • FromDavid Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 18 Jul 2007 07:46:57 -0700
I, too, would like some visual learning aide for Icehouse. I have never attempted to demo it, not only because it can be tricky to just explain but also because someone who has a clue playing someone who doesn't.... well, let's just say it doesn't promote the game well, to trounce folks trying to learn it.

I am posting, however, not just to say "me, too!" but also to remind folks that there are visual learning aide available to us other than video. For instance, it would be trivial to make a Flash or PowerPoint presentation, with text rather than voice explanations (though either is possible in either application). After all, you need only draw one symbol (a pyramid in isometric view) and scale it twice to make smalls, mediums, and larges; then some copies with ready-made color setting (to really save time) and you can place them fairly realistically with the rotate and skew tools.

You can even animated placement, movement, "freeze frame," and even "string test" lines and "ghost positions" for previous piece locations, on tricky moves. Do THAT in video, without pro software or some serious gear.

Anyhow, food for thought...

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