Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Monochrone Stashes - LAST CHANCE TO BUY

  • From"JK Grence" <jkgrence@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 1 Aug 2007 04:51:46 -0700
As someone who worked in a game store in a mall, I swear I shall do my damnedest to get more people to buy Treehouse than LCR this holiday season.

On 8/1/07, Chris Kice <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Congrats on the success of Treehouse!  It *is* good news that Icehouse is finally financially viable and doing well!  It means more good things for us fans including new potential products and more of what we love thriving out in the market.
I know these kooky little pyramids have been an albatross of sorts for Looney Labs and, although the shift is a little sad for the old school fans, I am excited to finally see that Icehouse will be known more for than being a lead weight for the company.
May Treehouse replace LCR at every cash register in America!  :)
On 7/31/07, Kristin Looney < customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Icehouse Fans -

Please join
us in being excited that the shift to Treehouse means the
pyramids are finally selling well in stores!

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