Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] IGDC Summer 2007 Rankings

  • FromDavid Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 20 Sep 2007 12:44:25 -0700
Hi, all;

IGDC Summer 2007 Rankings are IN!

I am unable to edit the IGDC wiki page until, oh, I guess about 5 pm;
and so I can only show rankings in e-mail at the moment (below). These
are final rankings, as the vote to extend judging was a pretty solid
"NO": 7 against (my own vote is  not posted, but is a NO), 3 for (one
person sent to my personal e-mail, not the list, for those of you
counting at home).

I am posting now to try to accomplish the following in spite of being
locked out of the wiki:
(a) Get corrections that might be needed because I mis-copied your
rankings (but NO re-rankings--your previously e-mailed rankings must
corroborate any correction that you send to me now).
(b) Put out a call to someone with scripts or enough math savvy to run
our Modified Condorcet Ranked Pairs calculations on the rankings. Note
that our "modified" method does NOT penalize unranked games, so a
"standard" CRP method (i.e. one which gives all unranked games the same
next-lowest rank) can't be used.

It's been fun! From what I can tell by just flinging some basic (i.e.
bad) math at the rankings, the competition seems VERY close between the
top four games. But the final scoring will be left to the CRP method,
which might result in completely different final results.

Thanks, all! Now go to the IGDC Talk page to weigh in on the Winter 2008
design restriction debate:

Ranking Results below
(Excel spreadsheet of rankings available by direct request to me; please
only ask if you're running the MCRP analysis)

JUDGE		Geo	MCC	Moon	Peng	Pylon	Subdiv	Trip	Zamb
"Alex"		2							1
"Ben"		1		3	4	6		5	2
"bluesun"	1	7	6	5	2	3	8	4
"Cameron"	2		5	3			4	1
"Chris"		1							2
"Evan"		2		4	3			5	1
"Goat"		1	6	7	5	2	4	8	3
"James"			2					1
"jwolfe"	7	5	6	4	2	1	8	3
"Luke"		1		4		2			3
"Mary"		2		3	4			5	1
"Michael"	2			3				1
"Ryan"		1		6	4	2		5	3
"Scotto"	8	7	2	1	5	3	6	4
"Sean"		3		4		2			1
"Stacy"		1		3	4			5	2
"VideoFilter"	5	6	3	1	4		7	2
Andy Looney	8	4	5	2	1	7	6	3
Avri Klemer	2	6	3		1	4	7	5
Cameron Worth	2		4	1	3			5
Carl Worth	4		2	1	5			3
Chris Kice	4	6	3	1	2	5	7	
Dale Sheldon				2	1			
Dave Chalker			1					
Dennis Duquette	8	4	1	2	5	6	7	3
Doron Klemer			2	1	3	4		
Doug Orleans	2	6	4	5		1	7	3
Felix Rodriguez		6	2	4	1	3		5
Jim Purbrick	2		1	6	3	4	5	
Jason Coldholts	1	3	8	5	6	2	4	7
Johanna Pinzler	4		3	1				2
Niqui Merret			1	5	4	3	2	
Ryan Hackel			3	1	4	5		2
Shane Tilton	4	5	6	2	7	3		1
Steve Omodth		5	6	4	3	1	7	2
Tom Savini	5	7	6	1	2	3	8	4
Wyon Stansfeld				1