> I'm not involved here, but I'd like to add a chime of agreement to Laurie's > comment. I think my comments to this go somewhat to the history of the > pyramids, but it was actually the game Zendo that motivated me to buy some > treehouse sets. I had read about this cool boxed game called Zendo and > after some trying to get it eventually found out it was out of print but > that the company that designed it and some other boxed games using the same > kind of plastic pieces had continued selling the pieces in nifty little > packages they called by the name of the game they designed for it called > Treehouse. That was when I found out I could still get Zendo by buying > enough Treehouse sets. In comes Playing with Pyramids, which I bought > because not only did I get the rules to Zendo but 11 other diverse games I > could use to get value out of my 5 tubes of pyramids. > > Still, after all, I came to buy 5 Treehouse sets primarily because I was > looking for 1 good game I had read about: Zendo. > > I don't know. I feel like I'm getting into the area of debating about the > relative virtues and limitations of the old and new marketing paradigms (my > story illustrates how the two ultimately worked together: I bought my sets > at the time of transition) and I don't want to go there. I know that > ultimately the 2HOUSE book (and 4HOUSE, etc) will present polished games > that seem as if the pieces existed for the purpose of playing them. I just > wanted to say Laurie has a point: a single game can most certainly motivate > a buyer to pick up multiple Treehouse sets. I do agree completely here. I heard Zendo was out of print so I quickly traded for a boxed copy on the BGG and so started my pyramid play. Soon i placed an order for some Treehouse stashes and i also snagged Playing With Pyramids. Now i haven't actually used the book yet, but i knew i wanted it if i was getting the stashes. -Ryan -- Ora, lege, lege, lege, relege, labora et invenies.