Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Zendo rules

  • From"David L. Willson" <DLWillson@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 7 Mar 2009 12:02:46 -0700 (MST)
> If I want to talk about a hypothetical evil rule, I use something 
> like "if ... the number of non-large pyramids is square and the 
> number of non-blue pips is fibonacci."

For our little gang, we have prohibited compound rules.  No "ands", "ors", or packed lists.  The rule must be One.

> As for me, the second rule I created led to having to recycle koans 
> and just about ran out of guessing stones (because by the end, 
> everyone was getting the Mondos correct): "if ... the numbers of each
> size and color are even."

That seems achievable.  Maybe a little hard, but pretty and guessable.

> And of course, word-count limits aren't always a guarantee of 
> simplicity: "if ... it's a monocolored tree".

And, call me crazy, but that sounds trivially easy.  I'll try it on my group.

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