Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Suggestions for future Icehouse Game Design Competitions

  • FromBryan Stout <stoutwb@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 2 Nov 2009 07:52:08 -0500
I don't know when the next IGDC will be, but I do have some
suggestions for future competitions:

1. Design a game using a chess board with terrain, that is different
levels of elevation.  For example, the game Terrace
(http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2872) uses an 8x8 board with 8
levels in a saddle shape, two opposing corners having the highest
level, and the other two corners the lowest; the levels affect how the
pieces move and capture.  I have designed a game Ziggurat which treats
the chessboard as a pyramid-shaped board, and I'll be posting it to
the wiki soon.  I have thought of other ways of assigning elevation to
the chessboard, and I find it very productive for creative game ideas.

2. Design a game using one or more Uno card game decks.  I remember
someone once mentioning that Uno could make a good fit with Treehouse,
since the colors of the suits match the colors in Rainbow stashes.  I
haven't done anything along those lines yet, but I think that should
be another good source of ideas.

IIRC, the next competition was supposed to be unrestricted, but if it
happens soon enough I may submit Ziggurat anyway. But I would like to
see future competitions around either of these themes.
