Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] On the Creation of (Looney Pyramid) Games...

  • From"Elliott C. Evans" <eeyore@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 28 Mar 2011 07:13:57 -0500
Jeff Z. wrote:
(I should note that I posted this to the ning forums several days
ago, and have received ZERO responses or suggestions. I find that
to be slightly upsetting, suggestive that either my questions
aren't worth responding to, or that it's personal about ME.)

The Ning forums are still very new. It takes a while for a community
to build to the point where discussions flourish naturally. Even
this very list, which has been around in one form or another for
roughly 19 years, sometimes neglects to respond. I wouldn't take it
personally though; it's still the Internet.

Regarding playtesting, the only way I've been able to get people to
playtest my games is to grab people in person, mostly at conventions.
Seriously, that's the only way that's ever worked for me. I know that
not everybody can make it to Origins, but short of recruiting testers
one by one in person, I don't know how anybody else does it.

Regarding variants, if a game doesn't stand out strongly on its own,
if its replayability and sticking power aren't exceptional, then it's
a variant. If they all seem like variants, then maybe you don't have
the base game yet. Jackson Pollock had something to say about this,
but it isn't appropriate for a family friendly list. =^)

Regarding the ethics of giving credit, I always like to give credit
where it is due. Even if a game has developed far from its original
concept, a little "Inspired by Game X" goes a long way, especially
with the designer of Game X.

Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans