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Re: [Icehouse] [Zendo] Another Spock Rule question

  • FromBuddha Buck <blaisepascal@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 1 Aug 2011 10:23:17 -0400
On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Aaron Dalton <aaron@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I would say it violates the Spock rule: 1) There is no guarantee that
> Spock speaks English or spells things the same way as the master; 2) As
> you say, there is no guarantee that all players will use the same word
> to describe the colour; and 3) Everything then points to a Scrabble
> dictionary, and people have widely diverse vocabularies.

I would tend to agree with Eeyore: it's a legal, albeit poor, rule.

If we were to rewrite the rule to be "If we assign the letter 'r' to
the red 'mids, the letter 'v' to the green, the letter 'b' to the
blue, 'a' to yellow, 'n' to orange, 'p' to purple, (etc), and the koan
consists of a stack in which the 'mids, from bottom to top, make a
'word' from the following list: uno, dos, caballero, vaca, (etc, for
the entire Spanish lexicon), then it has the Buddha Nature", would
this rule require Spock to speak English or spell

What about "The only koans with the Buddha Nature are single stacks of
'mids whose colors, from bottom to top, are one of:
blue-orange-yellow, red-orange-blue, green-red-orange-yellow,
cyan-red-yellow, (etc)"?

I would say that's a valid rule, but a poor one.

> The idea is the rule should be solvable by any person speaking any
> language or even who sees colours in different spectrums. The rule
> should still hold from their perspective (even though it would have to
> be translated for the master).
> Aaron
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