Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Another rabbit craft idea

  • From"Maria Price" <mudpuppy1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 23 Oct 2006 13:02:49 -0400
ANother easy craft idea is tye-dye restaurant napkins.  You can usually find a restuaurant supplier that has TONS of options (colors & sizes) in cloth restaurant sized napkins.  You can tye-dye them & even sew them together to make adorable pouches!  It's a cheap & versatile craft that I used to do with my Girl Scouts alot.  :)  I found the manilla/creme colors worked best as white is often hard to find. 
Enjoy!  --Maria

On 10/23/06, Elliott C. Evans <eeyore@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Evan P. wrote on another list, during a discussion of cloth bags:
> A cosmic coaster wouldn't be too hard (though it wouldn't look as cool),

Hmm, cotton bags big enough to hold a set of coasters and
some tokens, made in plain white (or unbleached) fabric,
with the Cosmic Coasters board layout screened, drawn, or
ironed onto them... tie-dyed during a rabbit craft session.

Somewhat smaller and easier to deal with than T-shirts...

Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans
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