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Re: [Rabbits] [Rabbits-Crafts] Volcano: Bagged set

  • FromTheLoneGoldfish <thelonegoldfish@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 28 Nov 2006 22:39:36 -0600
I suppose playing volcano on someone's corset would be interesting... but it would be too difficult to keep the pieces from falling off if they stack too high.

Besides, you can't really play on their back because of all the laces.

...The place I got the fabric is just out at the moment.... thanks though :)


On 11/28/06, Kimberly Terrill < kiter5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
cool idea. It's a game I have not learned yet. It sounds intertesting.
have you checked online for checker fabric?
I found some online, but didn;t check out the price.
And there were other places that had checkerboard fabric.

On 11/28/06, TheLoneGoldfish < thelonegoldfish@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Info and graphics on my blog... I've got a crazy idea for putting a volcano board in a drawstring bag (which could then be used to hold the pyramids)


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