Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] speaking of how long things take to ship...

  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 9 Dec 2006 23:46:09 -0500
What? You can answer ALL of my endless questions all the time????
Thanks for the specific emails, Carol.
-Kimberly (who is finally over the flu)

On 12/9/06, Carol Townsend <carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
For questions like this (and other purchasing or customer-related questions) you can email us directly:  customer-support  at  looneylabs  dot  com.

If you've got rabbit specific questions (where's my points, etc)  you can do the same thing, only substitute rabbit for customer:   rabbit-support   at    etc....

If you know of a retailer who has questions.... yup, it's retailer-support@......  so forth

I'm copying our Head Factotum on this (Alison, the Mistress of Inventory) and she'll either email you back or just take care of it, I'm sure.

Thanks for using both accounts so well, Kimberly!  That was exactly right - your teacher discount for things used in your school, and the regular account for other stuff.  You rock!

Happy rest-of-the-weekend!