Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] New Rabbit Wiki (was Scientific Fluxx)

  • FromKristin Looney <rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 29 Jun 2007 12:03:10 -0400
--On June 29, 2007  cheryl anderson <cherylllr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I want a scientific fluxx deck!!

(I loved high school science, took every single
course that was offered.)

I'm thinking chemistry might be the best 'core'
and incorporate astronomy, biology, as
cross-disciplines.  But I could be wrong.
However it comes out, I'll buy it!

The new Rabbit Wiki would be a great place to gather
ideas for potential new Fluxx versions...  so next
year when we are done with Zombie Fluxx and are trying
to decide which version to do next - we can see which
versions our Rabbits are most interested in seeing next!

Rabbit Wiki???

Andy's webzine article this week:

My letter to the Rabbits:

Thank you to everyone who has already started logging in
and updating your bio and spending your Rabbit Points!

-Kristin (of the Mamma Rabbit variety)

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