Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

RE: [Rabbits] *sigh*

  • FromDavid Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 06 Jul 2007 09:40:57 -0700
Yep, me, too. Now I get to figure out if/when they're going to remove the hold on my card.

I call "corporate scum" on this BS. There is NO excuse for a company the size of Toys R Us to have a warehouse management and fulfillment system that's unaware of stock levels, or an online system that shows unavailable items in a product search. The possible excuse that "well, they MIGHT be at a store in your area" is a very thin one, in my opinion (and if that's the notion, then why not let me specify my Zip Code so that I am only shown things that are AT LEAST available in a local store, if not also online?!?).

It is tantamount to false advertising, and worse, I have now given them a bunch of personal information for NOTHING in return (except future spam mail, I am sure); and I notice that I'm not offered a chance to now Disagree with their Terms of Service and, thereby, blast myself out of their systems.

This is a classic bait and switch tactic that should have been illegal (as false advertising) since snake oil and automobile undercoating was "invented." If *I* were a product producer, this would at least prompt me to contact their purchasing director and ask what reparations they have planned--guaranteeing the price when restocked is a good start. Depending upon my core target demographic, company philosophy, and availability of other distribution channels, this shoddy behavior might prompt me to pull my products from their store completely and irrevocably.

But I AM a consumer; and Toys R Us just made The S**t List--I vote with my dollars, and they just lost all future sales from me or from anyone who will hear me describe this situation and agrees with me. There's a LOT of great, responsible, even eco-friendly companies that sell toys and games and clothes and vehicles and....

With a clarion call to arms;

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Rabbits] *sigh*
From: Avri Klemer <avri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, July 06, 2007 12:14 pm
To: rabbits@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you for your recent purchase from Toys"R"Us & Babies"R"Us!

We would like to let you know that some or all of the items from your
order7583707293-001 are unavailable at this time, and we have
cancelled from
your order. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The following item(s) have been cancelled, and you will not be charged

Model/Article: 5BE4F804 One Color
Quantity: 1 @ $ 5.00

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