As I was being a judge in the nanofic finals, I noticed a curiosity. Several people had used their "Resolution" card in ways that were unexpected, to me. Rather than using them to "Resolve" the problem, they had used them as a "Setting" or even a "Problem". The Rules Lawyer in me checked the Nanofic rules, and although it doesn't explicitly say that the Resolution *must* be played last, the rules do state that the resolution card is played face down so that it doesn't give away the ending. It is therefore implied that the Resolution card (both in the name of the card itself, and this in note in the rules) is *intended* to be used as well, the Resolution - the ending. It struck me as somewhat odd that people were using it in another way. The consequence of using it as a Setting or Problem, meant there was no Resolution to base the ending of the story on, which to my mind made those stories weaker. So, I guess I'm curious as to what others here think. Is it really OK to use a Resolution card in a way that doesn't somehow resolve the story? What's your justification? Timothy