Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Chrononauts question

  • From"Carol Townsend" <carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 8 Aug 2007 23:36:54 -0500

On 8/8/07, miyu <xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I tried to play and teach Chrononauts for the first time this evening and we both had a question.  (if it matters we were playing Early American Chrononauts)

Does your ID and Mission card stay in your hand so as to remain secret from your opponents during the game? 
This link:
has a paragraph which states:
"...You should not reveal your ID to anyone..." 
"...your secret Mission."
If folks knew what you were trying to do, they could so easily not let you.  Say I knew you needed the 1865' patch.  If I had that in my hand, I'd hold onto it until Hell, MI froze over.  Also, if I knew you needed the Wooly Mammoth Steak (on a stick) and I had that, nothing in the world would induce me to play it down so it could get stolen.
Keep them secret.  Keep them safe.
(ps - if you have other questions, it might be better to post them on the Chrononauts list:
http://lists.looneylabs.com/mailman/listinfo/chrononauts  It's a really slow list, but it does exist.)

The rules didn't explicitly state to play them or not play them but the Fluxx players in us thought it seemed weird to not know what the other person's goals were.  Looking through the FAQ on the site it seems like they are to remain in the hand and be kept secret. 

If that is the case, then those 2 cards count towards the 10 cards needed to win, correct?

                  thanks for the clarification to this person who has a hard time understanding written rules,


Ora, lege, lege, lege, relege, labora et invenies.

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