I can understand the parental induced ADD. If my little bunny would give us a tiny bit of peace one of my goals is to learn how to sew using a machine (then I'll address knitting). I have found so many cool ways to make basic clothes (like skirts out of pillow cases) that I could whip up little projects for a quickly growing bunny. It would also be cool to show her that "boys" and dads can do these sort of things too. Have to work on the gender stereotypes with her from an early age on. :D
speaking of cooking... how did that calendar or recipes work out? I remember someone on here asking for recipes a bit back.
On 1/31/07,
Kimberly Terrill <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I like trapazoidal!
I don't have the attention span for knititng, barely for crocheting. I preffer making homemade cards-- thought of some cute Looney Lab Gift Card ideas at my last Card Making party...
and sewing...I like to design and sew clothing
just don't have the sitstilledness for knitting. I have that 'parental induced ADD'
Ora, lege, lege, lege, relege, labora et invenies.