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RE: [Something] Another question for the RabBrits...

  • From"Atwood, Robert C" <r.atwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 16 Jul 2007 16:41:02 +0100
 BBC America is not the BBC, as far as I know it is not funded by our TV
license fees. (I should hope not!)

http://www.bbcamerica.com/faq.jsp agrees that this is the rationale.

The BBC is apparently 'not allowed to make a profit', whatever that
means,  however I understand it wholly owns BBC Worldwide , which does
make a profit selling DVD's of Black Adder etc. to you lot.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: something-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:something-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
> Christopher Hickman
> Sent: 16 July 2007 15:16
> To: 'General Wunderland.Com Discussion List'
> Subject: RE: [Something] Another question for the RabBrits...
> >> *would* if I didn't have TiVo
> > 
> > Which you pay for, right?
> Gladly!  I absolutely LOVE my TiVo.
> >>and as for "pledge wheedling," I have no idea what that means
> > 
> > I seem to recall occasions when the American public channel (pbs?),
> > which had most of the best TV (IMHO), would raise subscription money
> > by interrupting the program until their viewer's pledges 
> reached some
> > threshold. During this break, some PBS people would wheedle ('Please
> > please please, pledge, then you can get back to Dr. Who/ Nova/ etc.
> > sooner... And support all that other stuff you like to 
> watch ... ). Do
> > they not do that any more? I've been here for nearly 10 years 
> > so things may have changed. 
> Ah, I see.  Yes, they do that for the public broadcasting 
> system.  While
> main commercial broadcasting stations are owned by 
> squillionaires who make
> their squillions from ridiculous advertisement revenues, PBS 
> is financed by
> viewers donations and charitable grants.  They occasionally 
> have telethons
> where they beg for money.  It's guilt money, see?  Obviously, 
> if you are
> watching their program, you watch the channel.  Can you watch 
> the channel in
> good conscience without offering some kind of support?  A lot 
> of people do.
> I used to watch a lot of Black Adder and Monty Python as a 
> kid (I guess PBS
> gets BBC leftovers), and I called in to donate $20, which is 
> significant for
> a 12 year old. :)
> You know, I'm pretty sure BBC America has commercial breaks...
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