Looney Labs EcoFluxx Mailing list Archive

Re: [Eco] Events going on in April

  • FromLuisa <Luisa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 04 Apr 2007 16:31:45 -0400
Hi 'Becca, Hi all,

'Becca, what type of businesses are there close to your Girl scout meeting place? Just wondering to see if we can think of something cool for you guys to do.

Looking around for trash and recyclables is a great idea. That is what I am going to do this month. One day of the weekend, every weekend from now till the end of April, I will be going around my neighborhood collecting these items and recycling when appropriate.

Sometimes people ask why I am doing this, so it is nice to talk about a clean and visually appealing neighborhood, habitat, etc. And this time around I will also be handing out pledge cards.

I am also going to go play EcoFluxx at our local cafe (the New Deal Cafe <http://www.newdealcafe.com/>), I will wish people a happy Earth Day, and will be bringing my pledge cards as well. Invariably, there are people that are curious about the game. I will also point them to the EcoFluxx special(<http://www.looneylabs.com/OurStores/product.html?ProductID=245>).

Robin sent a link with things to do on April 14, it seems that there are lots of interesting activities going on. On that date, though, I am going to be in KY attending the celebration of life of a dear friend of the family that passed away a couple of weeks ago. He was an old man, so his death was no surprise (still sad though), and he was an environmentalist! I will bring my EcoFluxx to the gathering as well (and my pledge cards to give away too).

What is everyone else doing? Tell us!


--On 4/2/07 10:41 PM -0400 Rebecca Stallings <becca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have been musing about something for my Girl Scouts (9-10
years old) to do for Earth Day.  It has to be something we
could complete in an hour and a half on a weeknight.  We
meet in a church within walking distance of a neighborhood
business district and a park.


The main idea we've considered so far is picking up trash
and recyclables around the neighborhood.  It is not an
unusually littered place, but there's enough litter to keep
you busy if you start looking for it!
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