Looney Labs EcoFluxx Mailing list Archive

Re: [Eco] Take the BYOB Pledge, Score a Bike and a Glacier

  • From"Maria P" <mudpuppy1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 18 Dec 2007 12:53:47 -0500
I haven't had any trouble with it.  I roll up the bags & put them in a smaller canvas bag which I also stick my keys, phone & wallet in.  I was concerned the first time I did it at Wal-mart, but no worries!  :)  I enjoy breaking in cashiers new to the concept...what an opportunity for discussion!  It always amazes them how much stuff those bags will hold!  --Maria

On Dec 18, 2007 12:49 PM, Ryan Hackel <deeplogic@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I've got two reusable bags that I take with me when I walk to the supermarket.  But in general I'm wary of taking bags into retail outlets because I'm nervous that I'll be accused of shoplifting.


 --- On Tue 12/18, Carol Townsend < carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx > wrote:
From: Carol Townsend [mailto: carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx]
To: eco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 10:56:46 -0600
Subject: Re: [Eco] Take the BYOB Pledge, Score a Bike and a Glacier

We also have Aldi's, but even better is the Jewel/Osco stores who are selling really great reusable bags (nice big square-bottom "cloth" bags - I think the cloth is made from recycled plastic bags - with great handles on them), and they're set right by the registers.
The only thing that would really encourage the use of these bags more is if you get a few pennies off your purchase for using them. I think the "MOM's" stores in DC do that, don't they?Carol
On 12/18/07, Maria P < mudpuppy1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is a fantastic idea!  I do it already & don't get near as many "you brought your own bags?" comments & looks of disbelief as I used to.  There's a grocery store called Aldi's that doesn't provide bags so you bring your own or buy them there.  I leave a few in my truck so they're always there when I need them.  I think we all have giant stashes of plastic bags, so let's not let them grow any bigger!   Kudos to you for "doing your part"!  :)  --Maria

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